Sr. Maria de Jesus Lozano, CMST
9548 Deer Trail Drive
Houston, TX 77038
n[email protected]
Discalced Carmelite Sisters(OCD)
Cloistered Community
We are a small community of contemplative women whose lives are dedicated to prayer for the Church and for all people. Our foundation, which was originally located in Houston, TX, was made in 1958 from the Carmel in San Antonio, TX. In 1974 we moved to New Caney, in a wooded area at the northern end of the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
Sr. Mary Ann Harrison OCD
1100 Parthenon Place
New Caney, TX 77357-3276
e-mail: [email protected]
Dominican Sisters of Houston (OP)
The Dominican Sisters of Houston is a Catholic community of women whose mission is “to publicly commit ourselves to study and address the crucial justice issues of our times.” The sisters’ active ministries include teaching and school administration, hospital chaplaincy, prayer, campus ministry, parish ministry and others.
Sr. Pat Casey, OP
6501 Almeda Rd.
Houston, TX 77021
713-747-3310 ext. 325
[email protected]
Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist (FSE)
The Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist continue the call of St. Francis of Assisi to rebuild the Church. Like St. Clare, we are vowed religious women who embody the spirit of St. Francis and seek to enflame humanity with a sense of the sacred found deep within each person.
We are dedicated to the teachings of the Holy Father and maintain authentic perennial values while initiating new forms of apostolic service.
Our way of life is centered by the Holy Eucharist and strong community bonding. These lay the foundation for our many outreaches into the complexities of today’s world.
Sr. Maura Behrenfeld FSE
1210 Colquitt
Houston, TX 77006
[email protected]
Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence (MCDP)
Sr. Sylvia Garcia, MCDP
2318 Castroville Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78237
[email protected]
Religious of the Cenacle (rc)
We are an international Congregation of religious women ministering through retreats, spiritual direction and faith formation. We build our ministry on prayer and community living.
Sr. Roselle Haas, r.c.
420 North Kirkwood Rd.
Houston, TX 77079
[email protected]
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word(CCVI)
We, the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, Houston, are a multi-cultural, international Congregation of Catholic women religious. We are consecrated to God as clear signs of the presence and power of this intimate and sacrificial love at work in the world. Our deepest desire in everything is to promote the fundamental dignity of persons, demonstrating our Incarnational charism.
Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word
Villa de Matel
6510 Lawndale Street
Houston, TX 77023
(713) 928-6053
Sisters of Divine Providence (CDP)
The charism and spirit of our Congregation, the legacy of our founder to us can be summed up in this way: Understanding the creative role of providence in history and knowing that we must search the signs of the times; drawn to simplicity of heart, purpose, and life; freed by poverty to respond to the cry of the poor, we serve people in the needs of our time by means of the works of charity.
Sr. Elsa Garcia, CDP
515 S.W. 24th St.
San Antonio, TX 78207
[email protected]
Sisters of the Incarnate Word and Blessed Sacrament(C.V.I.)
The Charism of our order is to “extend the Incarnation in time.” We have a great devotion to the Incarnate Word in the Eucharist. Ministries: Our ministries are all Church related and involve education and other areas of Christian service.
Sister Maria Eleanor Caisido, C.V.I.
[email protected]
713-668-0423, extension 109
3400 Bradford Place, Houston, Texas 77025
Ursuline Sisters of the Roman Order (OSU)
As Ursulines of the Central Province, members of a worldwide community of Catholic Sisters, we are women whose lives and mission are rooted in the Gospel of Jesus and the spirit of our foundress, Angela Merici. Grounded and empowered by our relationships with God and with one another, in prayer and community, we seek to be a compassionate, reconciling presence of God in our world.
Sr. Carla Marie Crabtree, OSU
4129 Sarong
Houston, TX 77025
[email protected]
Dominican Sisters of Mary Immaculate Province (OP)
(Vietnamese Dominican Sisters )
We, members of the Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena-in Vietnam, are called to glorify God and strive for sanctity in the Dominican charism through observing the evangelical counsels and the proper laws of the Congregation, living fraternal life, celebrating the liturgy, studying persistently, and carrying out apostolic ministry. Our mission is aimed at the salvation of humankind by evangelizing for the reign of God, educating youth in the authentic Catholic spirit, and doing charitable works as exemplified in Christ.
Sr. Monica Vianney Le OP
5250 Gasmer Dr.
Houston, TX 77035
[email protected]
Regnum Christi Consecrated Women
We are lay women consecrated to God, who respond to His invitation of love through private vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. We dedicate ourselves to the work of evangelization, serving in various missions according to the Regnum Christi charism. We live fraternal life in international communities.
Our life is both contemplative and evangelizing. We strive to grow in holiness and to extend Christ’s Kingdom in the hearts of others. We live this in several ways. Our spousal love for Christ makes Him the center of our life and mission. Through our spiritual motherhood and apostolic heart, we give testimony to Christ’s merciful love. Finally, through our action we participate in the new evangelization.
Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi Houston
Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi | RC Activities, Inc. | HOUSTON, TX (
Outside the Archdiocese:
Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters
Sister Mary Catherine is in formation from the Houston Archdiocese in this religious order.