Respect Life means to recognize every human person as a special creation of God, made in His image, and to value every human life from the moment of conception to natural death
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To learn more about and sign up for Christian Voices for Life weekly emails, CLICK HERE.The Documents section on the right side of this page has a document with 4 copies of this prayer to a page.
Dear Father, Creator of all life,The Documents section on the lower right side of this page has a document with 4 copies of this prayer to a page.
1. Abortion is a life-death issue, not a quality of life issue. It kills children and deeply wounds women - and men. It is the most critical issue to consider in voting decisions. Read "Catholics Care, Catholis Vote", a brief summary of The Challenge of Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship", available in the list of documents on the right. Encourage your friends and family to vote for government leaders and bills that will promote life!
2. Ask for clemency for prisoners scheduled for the death penalty.
Click HERE to go to Activities page
On January 22, 1973 abortion was made legal in our country. Since then there have been over 60 million abortions. Every day there were about 2,700 abortions in the U.S, and over 100,000 world wide. In Fort Bend County, there were (before Roe v. Wade was overturned) about 25 abortions every week, about one for every 6 births. In Harris County, there were about 50 abortions every day. If we do not do something, if we do not stand up for those who cannot stand up on their own, who will?
The reversal of Roe v. Wade has allowed Texas to ban abortion. Pregnant women will still be abandoned, however, by their partners or parents and pregnancy centers will be needed to help them, with probably more women in need of help than before. Abortion will still be a temptation by traveling to other states, by purchasing abortion pills online (with no meaningful supervision), or even by accessing local doctors who may continue to do abortions illegally.
In addition to the children killed by abortion, additional millions of children have lost their lives from "emergency" and hormonal contraception, when a new life begins but the child is prevented from implanting in the uterus to obtain nutrition from mom.
Even more millions of children have also been created by way of In Vitro Fertilization and then discarded, donated to research (to die) or frozen indefinitely. These children are still created by God, in His image, and for His purpose. Reproductive technology treats children as products to be manufactured, with "extra" embryos as disposable by-products of the production of one wanted child, rather than respecting the human dignity of every child. Only a fraction of the children created with IVF can expect to be born.
Please consider including pro-life organizations in your charitable giving.
Some suggestions: Pregnancy Resource Medical Center of Fort Bend
Option Line / Heartbeat International
Crisis Pregnancy? We are here to help! If you are in need of help or you know of someone who needs help in getting through a pregnancy, here are three great resources that will help you out right now: