(Altar Server Tasks: Offertory, Washing of the Hands, Thurifer for incensing of the Altar, Second Book)
Preparation of the Gifts (Altar Server Tasks: Offertory, Washing of the Hands)
Prayer over the offerings and Introductory Dialog
Eucharistic Prayers
The Thanksgiving
Acclamation or Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy)
Institution Narrative & Consecration (Altar Server Task: Ring the Bells, Thurifer incenses the elevation)
Concuding Doxology
Communion Rite
The Lord's Prayer
Rite of Peace
Fraction Rite ("Lamb of God")
Prayer after Communion
Concluding Rites (Altar Server Task: Second Book)
Priest's Greeting and Blessing
Dismissal by the Deacon or Priest
Kissing of the Altar
There are several kinds of Masses, but the two main ones St. Laurence servers will serve are Sunday Mass with the people and concelebrated masses.
For concelebrated masses you will make extra space for the processional, and there will be extra chalices and ciborium. Servers may be requested to help the concelebrants at various parts of the Mass. The M.C. will give direction.