A great renewal has begun...
Come learn about Jesus' call to serve and your call to holiness.
My dearest apostle, how pleased I am with your efforts. Shall I tell you all that pleases Me? I am pleased that you accept My words and welcome them into your heart. I am pleased because as you welcome My words into your heart, you welcome My graces into your life.
Lay Apostle prayer meetings will be held on the first Monday of the month.
Dates are: Mar 6, May 1, Jun 5, 2017
The morning and evening prayer meetings will be held in the Ave Maria Center, St Anne Meeting room
Morning meets from 10:30am-12:00am and evening meets from 7:00pm-8:30pm.
In April 2005, Our Lord revealed to Anne a set of guidelines for those called to assist in the work of the mission. Anne's bishop then gave permission for the formation of The Lay Apostolate of Jesus Christ the returning King. The mission of this apostolate is to serve as conduits of divine grace, spreading the messages of the Volumes and Heaven Speaks Booklets throughout the world.
Any soul may become a lay apostle through the simple daily act of saying "Yes" to Jesus and His will. There are no investiture ceremonies or titles. Lay apostles are encouraged to work for Jesus through their families, their vocations, and their daily interactions with others.
Lay apostles of Jesus Christ the Returning King agree to perform the basic obligations as practicing Catholics. Additionally, they adopt the following spiritual practices, as best they can.