Holy week is the pinnacle of the liturgical year when we celebrate the Paschal Mystery of the saving death and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The ceremonies are rich, full of symbolism, and involved for the servers. Only more senior, experienced (minimum 3 years experience) servers may serve at these ceremonies and of those only the most mature and capable.
There are four major ceremonies, all of which will have an M.C. to direct everyone. You must arrive earlier than usual (an hour prior) and there will be rehearsals for all servers and ministers a few days prior. You MUST make the rehearsals. If you cannot make the rehearsals please don't serve. These ceremonies are: (1) Palm Sunday (aka Passion Sunday), (2) Holy Thursday (aka Maundy Thursday), (3) Good Friday (aka The Celebration of the Lord's Passion), (4) Easter Vigil.