If you are on a mobile device you’ll need to set it to desktop view to set the grade. Instructions (Please do not change anything related to the EMHC question!)
Do you need assistance with training the altar servers?
Yes! Please let us know if you are interested by sending an email to altarservers {at} stlaurence.org. We consider someone who has 3+ years of experience AND been trained in all the core altar server roles (prayer hands, candle holder, crucifer at a minimum) to be a senior server.
I don't want to be an altar server anymore.
We are very thankful for your service! Please send an email that you are no longer interested in altar serving and we will take you off the list. If you ever want to restart you will be welcome!
How do I get trained as a crucifer, candle holder, or thurifer?
We will offer training during the year for these roles. Be on the lookout for announcements.
To be eligible to be a candle holder and crucifer you must have served at least one school year and be tall enough to handle the cross and candles.
"Tall Enough" means you are taller than the short cincture hook in the altar server room.
The cross is actually quite heavy so it usually takes a couple of years of growing in height and strength before it's safe for you to carry it.
We will do bishop training from time to time, but honestly that's one you just have to show up and get trained by the Bishop's assistant (MC) and watch his cues during Mass. Refer to the altar server handbook.
Thurifers need a minimum of one year's experience AND must be tall and strong enough to handle the thurifer AND must have demonstrated responsibility (so they can be trusted to work in a safe manner), AND must be willing.
How can parents help?
We would love to get more parents to help. Our time as altar server coordinators will eventually come to a close and someone will need to take over. It would be good to have experienced people available to help train and guide the altar servers and have a pool of people who might take over when the time comes.
Please let us know if you are willing to help.
What you will learn will be how to be an altar server and how to teach it. Learning this will give you a deep appreciation for what the altar servers do. Their service is highly valued!
Why do you require the annual agreement?
This gives someone a chance to re-evaluate and discern if you wish to continue serving. We need committed altar servers, not resistant altar servers. It's not fun or edifying when you are doing something you are forced to do. That's not cheerful service.
Where do I find the training masses as a novice?
They are real masses that are the novices' first masses to serve with experienced altar servers. All the sacristans, acolytes, priests, and deacons are aware that these are your first masses and are looking out to give you extra cues, help, and coaching.
Once you complete the training masses you are expected to be proficient to serve, though there will usually be experienced servers to help guide you.
If you do not complete the training masses you are not fully trained and therefore will not be able to serve as an altar server until next year.
I made a mistake on my sign in. How do I cancel it?
With the September, 2022 schedule altar servers can no longer cancel. Please request a sub.
I didn't come to church properly dressed. Should I serve?
This depends. The alb will hide a lot. If your clothes are dark or it's obvious you are wearing shorts underneath or a sports uniform which has a lot of print, then you shouldn't serve. If the clothing doesn't show through then it's OK to serve.
The most obvious things are shoes. Get a dark pair of shoes to wear to church every time.
It's possible to carry a spare set of clothes with you if you are planning on going to church from a sports event or something. Then you can change in the bathroom - at least change your shoes.
I graduated, can I serve still?
Yes you can serve through the summer. That would be awesome!
Technically there is no age limit on altar servers. Many parishes have adult servers.
I don't want to be scheduled, but plan to still sign-up to serve. Do I still need to set my service preferences in Ministry Scheduler Pro?
Yes. You will set an exclusion instead of a preference. Set each mass as an excusion so you aren't scheduled.
You can also send an email to [email protected] and request that your profile be set to "preassigned and manual scheduling only (Don't autoschedule)"
I don't want to serve at a Mass separate from my sibling/mom/dad/family.
Send an email to [email protected] and request that a family grouping be created and set to not allow family members to be scheduled at a different Mass. Include a listing of the family members.
I am going on vacation or will not be able to server some weekend. How do I make sure I'm not scheduled?
See https://stlaurence.org/msp-scheduling for details on how to set exclusion dates or ranges.
I don't like being scheduled. I prefer to just sign in and not be scheduled. How can I make that happen?