How does Jesus Christ teach me to live a moral life?
How do we share our faith in Jesus Christ with the world through our words and our actions?
These are essential and fundamental questions of our Catholic Faith. Here at St. Laurence we firmly believe that parents are the first and best teachers of their children in the ways of faith by what they say and do. We cannot do it for you. Instead, we seek to encourage, support, and equip parents and other loving adults to teach, pray, and celebrate the sacraments with the children God entrusted to their care. In this way our Catholic identity is strengthened in the current generation and is passed on to the next generation. Since the needs of families vary widely, we offer several different models of faith formation hoping one will support your family.
“Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it."
( Proverbs 22:6 )
In order for it to stick, practicing the faith must be an ongoing part of your family life and be fully incorporated into the rhythms of your day, week, month and year. Your children need to see you practicing what you believe in every arena of your life. We offer many adult faith formation opportunities, as well as programs for children, to encourage and support you so you can continue to be good role models for your children.
Our programs focus on these six elements:
Promoting knowledge and understanding of the faith
Celebrating rituals and traditions, including liturgies and the Sacramental life
Encouraging all to make loving choices and to grow in virtue
Teaching ways to pray and offering opportunities to spend time in prayer
Cultivating healthy relationships within our families and our parish
Sharing, caring and serving others both within the home and in our communities
At St. Laurence Catholic Church and in the Ave Maria Parish Life Center, we desire to accompany you on your ongoing spiritual journey as we grow together as followers of Christ. Together we seek to increase our way of understanding God and to grow more aware of God’s presence and God’s action in our lives. We offer educational and spiritual opportunities for all ages on top of the rich Sacramental life here at our parish. See where we can match our programs and ministries to what you need in order to deepen your relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church and to share your faith with the children you love.